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PPI Publications in conjunction with ASA Productions is proud to introduce:

"I've Been Transplanted."

Twenty years ago, Eugene and his family were transplanted--figuratively.  They moved to Eden.  A different town, with different people whom themselves were transplanted.  It was through these people and this town that young Eugene learned to use humor to cope with feelings of fear, love, and rejection .

April 14, 1992 Eugene Sisco was literally TRANSPLANTED and all the characters that helped comfort him as a young boy came back to offer their wit and wisdom.

Chapter Titles include: I’ve Been Transplanted, They Really Do Look Like Kidney Beans, I’ve Been Rejected (Affairs of the Heart and Other Vital Organs), Hey Mister! Can you spare a Kidney?, Eddie Dillon,  Prednizone and The Ape Man, Better Living Through Chemistry

Look what others have said about "I've Been Transplanted"

"...couldn’t stop turning the pages.  The way the narrator describes his illness and feelings and creates the setting is well done.  You (the reader) are able to get inside the character and see what he feels and see what motivates his moods and actions."

                                                  - E.  Katz,  Hudson River Literary Agency                                                                 New York

" This man-Eugene Sisco-is a marvel at putting words to paper with real feeling.  His personality hops right off the pages!  He needs to be working on that Great American Novel he speaks of , if he is not already.  He's a Powerhouse waiting to happen!  I gotta meet this guy!

                                                                Dinah Tallent, Editor                                                                                      Baltimore, MD


As a transplant recipient who speaks to the public about organ donation and life as a recipient, I have found Eugene's book to be a humorous, informative, and inspiring book that gives the reader a unique perspective of  the transplant process and what it means to receive the "Gift of Life." His story telling will literally leave you gasping for breath from laughter as he takes you through the humor of an adolescent growing up and the wild tales those days incur, while also giving you a look at the medical side of transplantation  Through all of this, you get to feel the special bond he has with is sister, who gave him the "Gift of Life", and  his family. If you are thinking about giving  the "Gift of Life", you owe it to yourself to read Eugene's book.

                                                                 James C. Crouch CPA                                                                              Kidney recipient /June 1989


This book has helped me to face and understand my own fears. I also realize that we each have a humorous side--if we allow it to surface

                                                                Linda Cox                                                                                                 Lung recipient April 26, 1996

"A wonderful educational tool for Dialysis and Transplant patients alike."